An experimental tool, use with caution.
Political bias in the media can be subtle and sometimes un-intentional.
Polidex measures relative positive and negative sentiment in NZ media political reporting.
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Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the process.
articles have been polidexed since November 7, 2024 (the last 4 months). View them
Sometimes articles might be flagged incorrectly - as non-policatal, political, or the wrong party. We aim to improve this over time. Values are relative so they should automatically adjust for factually negative or positive news.
Parties must be mentioned atleast 4 times before being polidexed.
Currently polidexing . Polidex relies on RSS feeds and scraping so not all sites are polidexible.
Polidex uses a VADER based PHP Sentiment Analyzer to perform its sentiment calculations.